
Client Review on Collection Professionals, Inc.


This collection agency collaborates with Plainfield Pediatric Dentistry. The dentistry work was comparable with other dentists we have visited in the past.The 1-star rating is for what happened after care was provided. I never received a bill from this company, nor did I get a call regarding an amount due. It was very easy to assume that this was covered by my insurance as I never received and explanation of benefits or a bill. After moving across the country due to a family death I received an alert, months later, from "COLLECTION PROFESSIONALS." A puny 361.80$ and a lack of communication resulted in this review and also me never doing business with this company again. There was no reason for collections to be involved considering my relationship with this company, well at least that was my interpretation. Plainfield Pediatric Dentistry and Tom the dentist obviously feel differently and have a separate interpretation of our relationship, yet they made us feel just like family at least initially. Thanks for pulling my babies teeth but your lack of professionalism thereafter will not be forgotten.The collection agency was unwilling to listen or attempt to understand the circumstances above. Greg would interrupt and rebuttal my explanation with perfect scenarios to avoid the situation explained above. He should understand that death is unplanned in almost all cases and that the survivors life changes can be extensive thereafter. Perfect scenarios are few and far between during death and the grieving process, and your lack of understanding and rude demeanor only makes healing more difficult. Things aren't perfect at times and in those times understanding and consideration should be a primary focus. I pray for your understanding in the future.

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