
Evaluation Methodology

Our research identifies the best in payroll.

SmartRankā„¢ Algorithm

Unbiased approach to recommendations.

We have developed our SmartRank algorithm as a way to give an unbiased recommendation of payroll processing and human resource management solutions.

The algorithm takes into consideration numerous data points when adjusting the rankings published on our website.

Buyers and providers alike can learn more about the factors that influence how companies are positioned in our rankings. We provide transparency so providers can improve their visibility while buyers can rest assured when hiring a recommended vendor.

Sentimental Factors

Brand perception.

How a particular brand is being viewed online is an important part of our algorithm.

Brand perception can say a lot about how a particular vendor has performed over time. Companies with a negative perception online could be taking on too many clients for the resources they have or could offer subpar support for the services they offer.

Review Factors

Buyer feedback improves credibility.

Buyer feedback is one of the most important factors in our algorithm.

The SmartRank algorithm not only takes into consideration how positive or negative reviews are, but also looks into the quality of those reviews, the chances of the review being a fake review, and the amount of data that is provided within the review. Our algorithm favors companies that have ample positive reviews written by real people with helpful insight for buyers.

Engagement Factors

Online communications paint a picture.

One of the best ways our research team has found to measure a company's dedication towards excellence is in their online communications.

We measure engagement through our website to determine whether a particular payroll or human resource management company is engaging with visitors on our website. This is done through them responding to reviews, answering questions, and interacting with other elements on our website.

Profile Factors

Accurate and timely information.

We invite payroll processing and human resource management companies the opportunity to share their information on bestpayrollservices.com.

Our algorithm takes into consideration whether they are offering accurate and timely information about their company. These vendors are encouraged to complete their profile by uploading all of the elements requested of them to give buyers as much accurate information as possible to make their purchasing decision.

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