
Client Review on Payworks Edmonton


Payworks Edmonton - we just made the switch from ADP who was a nightmare to deal with!! So happy we made the change. I researched over 10 Canadian companies, my contact Mark reached out to me and showed me a demo first before any information was exchanged, this sold me on the services. It is so easy, quick and no hidden charges behind the scenes - you see clearly what is being charged and when - no surprises! The reports are super easy to download as we are a paper-free environment in our office - you even get a discount for being paper-free!! We also have 3 divisions within our company all with different banking account information - but we were only charged a one time setup fee for all 3 companies saving HUGE amounts compared to ADP Team Pay. I have a direct contact - not a call center - to call when/if I have any problems with a great response time back to me. I have processed two payruns now with no issues, added 7 new employees with no issues and we LOVE PAYWORKS!! This should be a no-brainer decision if you are looking for a Canadian based payroll service. HIghly recommend, and have told others to try it out since. Thank you Mark, it has been a good choice. :)

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