
Client Review on Payroll Insights


If you want your salary to be given after 3-4 months or don't have any desire about salary then it is a very good place to know the harsh reality going on in today companies who are playing with employee's career.1.They will fire you after 2-3 months of hiring as there will be no work related to you.2.They even don't give notice to employee whom they will fire and will give reason - "your performance is not so good " but actual reason is that they can't afford to give you salary any more.3.They will hire fresher and say you are here to learn and farsight is very good place to learn and "idhar se sikh ke gaye hue log achi achi jagah pe lage hue hai." but eventually they will fire you even more quickly within the 4-5 months not even thinking about employee's career.4.they will except you to work 24 hours but even cannot give salary of fresher's which is not even large 5-8000 which will be pending from more than 4 months.5.There is no proper management in the system which will be monitoring the development process going on the company.6.how can you except fresher to give work similiar to two years experience???? If you want experienced candidates then hire them instead of fresher's.or you can't afford to give such package to candidates then shut down such a company or so called a "dukan" instead of destroying employee's career.Advice to Management :-1. If you cannot even give salary to present employee then stop hiring new people to the company and firstly improve your management in the system so that company can growth instead of going on the same track for year's again and again.2. And main advice to support head you should open school in which u can employee such technique instead of interfering in employee's personal life by seeing on there pc and viewing their msgs.you have hire people that doesn't mean you will also interfer in their personal life of just there casual talk with other employee's in offc.

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