
Client Review on PaymentEvolution


Updated - Good things: they have good lower level support and have worked out the bumps. Less good things: There was a security incident on March 8, 2018 where one of their staff had an mail account compromised, leading to phishing emails being sent to their clients. My employees were affected. They had an initial communication on March 8 to affected clients but did not follow up re:cause, remediation and future prevention. Only the initial same-day email was sent. I had reached out to their senior leadership multiple times to respond to my concerns about security and compliance but for over a month received no response. My assertion is that if there is an issue related to security and there is no response from leadership re: security and compliance how can clients reasonably feel their financial information is safe? I finally received a response after I posted this review. Amongst other things, they said they have switched to Zendesk to avoid future email account compromise and are also pursuing ISO 27001. While I appreciate the challenges of a small and growing business, I hope they will learn from this incident and respond more quickly to valid requests from their customers and don't wait for a negative review to respond. Since their PaymentEvolution handles sensitive information, I would like to see a public (or at least public for clients) trust page where they 1) transparently talk about incidents, risks and their responses to them and the 2) activities they are pursuing to gain and strengthen trust like ISO 27001 certification and timeline. IMHO this would go a long way to show the commitment of their company to security and trust of their customers and can may even help them gain more business. I will update this review if they improve.

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