
Client Review on Kensington Management Services, Inc. (KMS)


The Administration of KMS were fantastic individuals: from the interview process until resignation, they were extremely supportive and uplifting throughout my entire year there! My Supervisor Monica was very empathetic and always stood up for me when on-site school/daycare administrators attempted to act beyond their authoritative boundaries. She was extremely organized and responded to emails and phone calls in a timely fashion. Through my experience, she was knowledgeable and if she didn't have the answer in the moment, she would always make the effort to find the accurate answer. I was very grateful to have Monica as my oversight. She was a real blessing in my life. The other staff, including Felicia, Michael, Alyssa, Gina and other Administration Staff were knowledgeable, supportive and were pleasant to be around (especially coming from someone who has social anxiety, having these emotional attributes present in KMS work environment were important for me!) They also provided an environment where questions were welcomed warmly and integrated in future policy implementation. When I was working at KMS, the company was in it's starting stages, so it's amazing to see the progress made since I left! Overall, by working for KMS, it allowed me to see the joy of being able to positively impact the life of another, through patience, diligence, empathy and resilience. I'm currently enrolled in my Master's program to seek BCBA certification, and I wouldn't be on this path today if it weren't for the work relationships built during my time at KMS. I am grateful for the learning experiences I gained by working there!

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