
Client Review on Francis Tax Services


(Translated by Google) Of all the time we have done taxes with my husband, this has been the worst experience we have had with Francis Taxes! Bad communication with the client, they are not responsible, and they charge without having done the complete process.We had to pay the IRS three times because according to them we never paid the taxes of 2015 which was paid to Francis Taxes to be able to do this process, they were negligent and they did not communicate with us that they had not reported, nor an email , not a call. But that if they rushed to collect their own!* I do not recommend them(Original)De todo el tiempo que hemos hechos los impuestos con mi esposo, esta a sido la peor experiencia que hemos tenido con Francis Taxes! Mala communicasion con el cliente, no son responsables, y cobran sin haber hecho el proceso completo.Nosotros tuvimos que pagarle al IRS lo triple porque de acuerdo a ellos nunca llenamos los impuestos del 2015 cual se le pago a Francis Taxes para poder hacer este processo, ellos fueron negligente y no se comminicaron con nosotros que habia faltado infomacion, ni un correo electronico, ni una llamada. Pero eso si se apresuraron a cobrar lo suyo! *No los reccomiendo

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