
Client Review on BERC


I have been to Berc twice. Both times I was happy to have the postings of job openings in the area but the classes in Berc, that is, not at the Carroll Community College were a far cry from what you need in the working world. Things may have changed since then for this was the first time I went and it was about ten years ago. I will never say anything against this sort of help especially nowadays when those of us who don't have a smartphone and a lot of us feel embarrassed yes embarrassed, not to know how to use a computer or anything like these sort of things. Someone close to me said she got a look like she was a moron for not knowing the fundamentals on how to use a computer or a smart phone. I think it is so sad that especially homemakers who find themselves widowed or divorced and never had any children to show them how to do these things to be mocked by women or men who just happen to have had the luxury of having such relatives. I have a friend and she learns all there is to know about computers and smart phones from her grand-daughter but she doesn't care to share her knowledge! In my opinion that is just sad. Plain and simple sad. Instead of offering to help out a friend she likes I guess to feel superior and that is why I believe these places like BERC are a wonder even if they are lacking in some areas their heart is in the right place. I hope they read this post so they realize their are those of us who are not unappreciative and to have more patience because you too had to learn from the very beginning too! To those of you who find it amusing that some of us aren't computer savvy, etc. I imagine an engineer would find you amusing.... get it?

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