
About - BOS Staffing in Gainesville, GA

340 Jesse Jewell Parkway Suite 115, | Gainesville, Georgia

BOS Staffing in Gainesville, GA Reviews

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Claire Caston
Claire Caston

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Overall Feedback:

Amazing Agency - Stephanie Hatch is my (and still) boss... She is an AWESOME recruiter... I have never experienced anything better than this. I went in for an interview with her one day and she got me a job the same day. Super quick and easy. I would never recommend any other agency or employer than this one... BOS is the place to go!!!! Also- INCREDIBLE communication. If I ever have ANY questions or concerns all I have to do is call and Stephanie explains everything to me loud and clear, respectfully. I LOVE BOS STAFFING!!!!

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BOS Staffing in Gainesville, GA
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