
Client Review on Accurate Tax & Notary Services


*Not Accredited and Not Professional*I lost $30,000 because of disallowed credits. Apparently the "accountant" Sergio Sandoval did not divide my wife and I's income into two separate Schedule Cs causing an IRS audit. He filed them as a single schedule C even though we have different names. He also double-counted my expenses as he labeled my truck repairs under three different categories including Car Expenses, Repair expense, and shop expense. He also would not provide the 1099s he was paid for. He's only a tax preparer. Not a CPA or EA. Amateur work at best. You may not get audited now but you will one day if you keep going to this guy. Read his response to my Yelp review. Instead of accepting responsibility for his shoddy work he starts attacking his client. Very shady practices here. Avoid.

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